warning: ‘noreturn’ function does return [enabled by default]

I created a new task. Doesn’t do very much. It gets the above warnting. The attached is all the source code. when I click on the warning, it takes me to the last line in the file(the last open paren). I have other tasks that seem to compile fine. I KNOW it has something to do with the protos that FreeRTOS needs.. This is a Microchip project….. thanks!

warning: ‘noreturn’ function does return [enabled by default]

If this warning is being generated then I’m going to guess that portTASKFUNCTION is defined as something like “attribute((noreturn))”, but the compiler doesn’t know that calling vTaskDelete() at the end of the function means the function indeed will never return. You could either change the function prototype to remove the portTASK_FUNCTION, so it would be: static void vFlashVersionTask( void *pvParameters ) { } Or let the compiler know the function won’t return by adding the redundant code: for( ;; ); after the call to vTaskDelete().

warning: ‘noreturn’ function does return [enabled by default]

Thanks Richard, that fixed the warning.