FreeRtos did not work on stm32f103 & iar compiler

Hello.i using iar compiler,stm32f1 microcontroller and SPL library,i made a project my self for FreeRtos download files from this link: FreeRTOSv9.0.0.exe (16.1 MB) my code just print hi in serial and LED didnt blink i tried to print something in tasks but didnt work 🙁 this is my project thanks

FreeRtos did not work on stm32f103 & iar compiler

Apologies for the delay in replying. Are you saying that toggling LEDs is working from different tasks, but not printing? How is the print implemented? Does it work when the RTOS is not running? If you are printing to a UART or other such device, are you protecting access using a mutex (or other mechanism) to ensure only one task accesses it at a time?

FreeRtos did not work on stm32f103 & iar compiler

Thanks for your reply Mr.Real Time Engineer in my project i just config USART and GPIO and define some functions like: ~~~ void Blink2(void *p){ for(;;){
            GPIO_SetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_13);
            GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_13);
} } ~~~ and before call the vTaskStartScheduler function i just print this ~~~ put_str(” hin”); ~~~ its work.print hi successfully but,nothing happens after print “hi” i tried everything i comment USART config comment put_str function just a basic blink with one task just this: ~~~ void Blink2(void *p){ for(;;){
            GPIO_SetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_13);
            GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOC, GPIO_Pin_13);
} } int main(void) { SystemInit(); xTaskCreate(Blink2,(const char*) “Blinker”,configMINIMALSTACK_SIZE,NULL,1,( xTaskHandle * ) NULL); vTaskStartScheduler(); } ~~~ and inits… also try print a character with USART DR Register nothing.didnt work 🙁