Clause 2 of the FreeRTOS License

Hi All, As part of my Bachelor’s thesis, I am implementing custom memory management for a real-time operating system, and would like to use FreeRTOS with this allocator as a proof of concept. This would obviously involve comparing performance of a simple allocator (heap_4.c, for example) with the new allocator. My question is – would this be in breach with Clause 2 of the FreeRTOS license? To be clear, the goal of the metrics is purely to evaluate the performance of the algorithm in a real world environment, not the OS itself. In both cases, FreeRTOS would be configured the same way. FreeRTOS would also be the only OS used for tests and benchmarking of the algorithm’s performance. Thanks, Richard

Clause 2 of the FreeRTOS License

That is fine, no problem.