PIC18 Port Problem

Hi everybody.
I’m starting to use freeRTOS for the first time and trying to build a small program to blink leds with a pic18f4580. I’ve already created a project file following this webpage http://solar-blogg.blogspot.com/2009/06/setting-up-freertos-for-pic18-using.html, but everytime i get to the linking part i get the error: Error – section ‘.udata___heap.o’ can not fit the section. Section ‘.udata___heap.o’ length=0x00000400 I also get some warning messages saying FreeRTOSSourcequeue.c:1028:Warning  call of function without prototype and FreeRTOSSourcelist.c:66:Warning  type qualifier mismatch in assignment Can someone give me a few ints about these problems?
Can I also use tiny bootloader to run the code generated? Regards

PIC18 Port Problem

Just don’t do it, get yourself a real processor and a real compiler.