FreeRTOS and SD

Dear Sirs, Does anybody add SD support for any architecture? I found various uRTOS with a uFS support for example for FAT12/16 and SD. Do you know where I could find a starting point to implement a filesystem … I thought to have a look at linux source…. Regards, Vento

FreeRTOS and SD

If you just want to read and write to a flat file system (no folders) then there is a circuit cellar article with source code that can be purchased for a couple of dollars.  There are a couple of functions to implement for the SPI interface.  Once these are done it works really well.  Took two days to get working!

FreeRTOS and SD

could you please indicate me a reference to that item? Thanks

FreeRTOS and SD

Just googled for it and got it as the top link., second down the page.

FreeRTOS and SD

thank you, I’m going to get it

FreeRTOS and SD there is a start of a port for the lpc2148 with has a usb and SD socket.