“Section placement failed” error

Developing a project in IAR 6.7 on stm32l151 platform. IAR gives error:
Error[Lp011]: section placement failed unable to allocate space for sections/blocks with a total estimated minimum size of 0x4068 bytes in <[0x20000000-0x20003fff]> (total uncommitted space 0x4000).
Removing creation of massive FreeRTOS user processes helped to eliminate error, so this problem connected to FreeRTOS. Randomly changing heap and stack also helped: ~~~

define configMINIMALSTACKSIZE ( ( unsigned short ) 60 )

define configTOTALHEAPSIZE ( ( size_t ) ( 8 * 1024 ) )

~~~ At the begining i used default values: 85 for stack and 10240 for heap. Few user processes use configMINIMALSTACKSIZE* 2 value. So what’s the origin of this error and how to prevent it’s appearing in the future?

“Section placement failed” error

Removing creation of massive FreeRTOS user processes helped to eliminate error, so this problem connected to FreeRTOS.
Sounds like it is a linker error, not an RTOS error, or at a minimum it is a problem with your “massive user process” using too much RAM which is resulting in a linker error because it is using more RAM than you have.
Randomly changing heap and stack also helped:
Doing stuff randomly rarely helps in the long run.

define configMINIMALSTACKSIZE ( ( unsigned short ) 60 )

define configTOTALHEAPSIZE ( ( size_t ) ( 8 * 1024 ) )

At the begining i used default values: 85 for stack and 10240 for heap. Few user processes use configMINIMALSTACKSIZE* 2 value. So what’s the origin of this error and how to prevent it’s appearing in the future?
If you attempt to use more RAM than the processor you are running on has available then your application will not link….it can’t because you are asking it to do something impossible. The following links might help: http://www.freertos.org/a00111.html

“Section placement failed” error

Thanks for answer!