cast from void pointer to pointer to struct results in hardware fault in FreeRtos Thread in thread argument

I am writing a simple blinking LED program in MCUXpresso with ksdk 2.4 and Amazon Freertos. I intended to create two instances of the same thread definition by passing a void pointer to my struct which contains the GPIO type and pin number to the thread and later typecast the void pointer to pointer to my structure. however, during debugging, i realised that the new pointer points to a completely different address from my struct data and it always causes a hardware fault. This is however a code which works very well in Kinetis Design studio. I will appreciate help in understanind this problem. ~~~

include <stdio.h>

include “board.h”

include “peripherals.h”

include “pin_mux.h”

include “clock_config.h”

include “MK22F51212.h”

include “fsldebugconsole.h”

typedef struct BLINKYparam { GPIOType* GPIO; uint8t Pinname; } BLINKYparamt; enum PINS { PTD2 = 2, // LED_A };

include “FreeRTOS.h”

include “task.h”

include “semphr.h”

include “timers.h”

include “queue.h”

void airblinky(void* blinkyparameters) ;

define mask(x) ( uint32_t )( 1U << (x) )

int main(void) {

gpio_pin_config_t config = { kGPIO_DigitalOutput, 0 };
GPIO_PinInit(GPIOD, PTD2, &config);

BLINKY_param_t Board_A_blinky = {GPIOD,PTD2};

if (xTaskCreate(air_blinky, "air_blinky_A", 50, &Board_A_blinky, 2,


while (1) {
return 0;
} void airblinky(void* blinkyparameters) {
  BLINKY_param_t* LED = (BLINKY_param_t*) blinky_parameters;

TickType_t Lastwakeuptime = xTaskGetTickCount();
uint8_t Flash_Time = 100;

for (;;)
    GPIO_PortToggle(LED->GPIO, mask(LED->Pin_name));           // on
    vTaskDelayUntil(&Lastwakeuptime,((Flash_Time * configTICK_RATE_HZ) / (float) 1000));
    GPIO_PortToggle(GPIOD, mask(PTD2));           // off
    vTaskDelayUntil(&Lastwakeuptime,((Flash_Time * configTICK_RATE_HZ) / (float) 1000));
    GPIO_PortToggle(GPIOD, mask(PTD2));            // on
    vTaskDelayUntil(&Lastwakeuptime,((Flash_Time * configTICK_RATE_HZ) / (float) 1000));
    GPIO_PortToggle(GPIOD, mask(PTD2));           // off

    vTaskDelayUntil(&Lastwakeuptime,((2000 * configTICK_RATE_HZ) / (float) 1000));
} ~~~

cast from void pointer to pointer to struct results in hardware fault in FreeRtos Thread in thread argument

If your question is “the pointer to BoardAblinky is corrupt inside the task airblinky” then that is because BoardAblinky is defined on the stack of main() – which no longer exists when the scheduler has been started. Either make BoardA_blinky static so it is not on the stack, or move the definition to be file scope.

cast from void pointer to pointer to struct results in hardware fault in FreeRtos Thread in thread argument

yes, that actually the question. I tried your suggestion and it worked. thanks