xQueueSendFromISR when using V850

I use the function xQueueSendFromISR to write data to a queue in an UART ISR of V850, the return result tells me write successfully,but when I use the function xQueueReceive read from the queue in a task,there is nothing. Why?

xQueueSendFromISR when using V850

Have you stepped into the xQueueSendFromISR() and xQueueReceive() functions to see what the functions think the state of the queue is? The first thing to check would be that the queue handle passed as the first parameter into both functions is the same. If so, look at the structures in the debugger to look for discrepancies in the values of the structure members or some obvious corruption. To see the queue structures take the queue handle passed into the queue API functions and cast them to the ( xQUEUE* ) type.