TCP support for Microchip

Hi – This isn’t my first time using FreeRTOS, but it is the first time I’ve had to install/configure it myself. (My first project was on an ESP32, and FreeRTOS was already rolled into their IDF.) I’m evaluating a Microchip Xplained Pro board, and they have FreeRTOS available, but it doesn’t seem to include TCP. Is there a pre-built library for the SAM E54 device, or do I build it myself? If the latter, where do I find the source code for the TCP component? Thanks for any clarification… Edit: I probably should have mentioned that I’d like to start by building a simple socket echo server. Once I get something like this working, I can move on to more meaningful applications.

TCP support for Microchip

Michael, All source code can be found on github, or on sourceforge. On Github, you will find these directories:
  • amazon-freertosfreertos_kernel
  • amazon-freertoslibrariesfreertosplusstandardfreertosplus_tcp
There was a post about Porting FreeRTOS+TCP SAM4E demo project to SAME54 project
I’d like to start by building a simple socket echo server. Once I get something like this working, I can move on to more meaningful applications.
Yes sure, small steps:
  • See if the device gets a Link Status on the PHY.
  • Start testing without DHCP. When everything works, turn DHCP on
  • Look with tcpdump or WireShark if the device sends out gratuitous ARP requests.
  • Ping the device, using it’s IP address
  • Attach a telnet driver, and connect to it
I wrote an example telnet server, which you can download here.

TCP support for Microchip

Hi, Hein – Thanks for the reply. So, would the correct sequence be:
  • create an empty project (in AS 7 in my case)
  • add FreeRTOS
  • add the FreeRTOS plus TCP
  • add the Microchip driver that you referenced in the other post?
Thanks again.

TCP support for Microchip

Or maybe it is easier to start with an existing demo project from, that works for SAM4E. You just copy the latest versions of the kernel, FreeRTOS+TCP and the driver on top of it. And also indicate in the configuration the part that you are using. And if you encounter problems, just report them here. The problem is that there is no official FreeRTOS+TCP support yet for the SAME54.

TCP support for Microchip

Hi, this is my fisrt time how freeRTOS. have problem creating new project using eclipse CCS in the Ubuntu. I’m following the structure of the FreeRTOS/Source, but not work, I’m using a microcontroller MSP430F5438A Texas. all library are linked. Erro: Description Resource Path Location Type unresolved symbol vApplicationTickHook, first referenced in ./Source/tasks.obj test C/C++ Problem Description Resource Path Location Type unresolved symbol vApplicationStackOverflowHook, first referenced in ./Source/tasks.obj test C/C++ Problem

TCP support for Microchip

Thanks, Hein – I copied the kernel and added it to my project. I took the FreeRTOSConfig.h contents from and added it to my project. I think the next step for me is to choose a portmacro.h file, and add its path to the project properties, but there are some fields that need to be filled in. Do you know whether there already exists such a file? I’m having a little trouble finding files referenced on the freertos web pages.