Internal Flash or EFC

Dear all, HW: AT91SAM7x Compiler: CrossWork GCC OS: FreeRTOS 4.7 Any one has experience using the internal flash memory as an EEPROM data storage? It is call Embedded Flash Controller (EFC) for AT91SAM7 family. Any help on read and write on the last page of flash memory area in FreeRTOS will be much appreciate. Thanks for ur attention Regards Hudson

Internal Flash or EFC

#define FLASH_PAGE_SIZE             256 #define FLASH_BASE_ADDRESS             0x00100000 #define SETTINGS_PAGE_NUMBER         1023 #define SETTINGS_PAGE                 ((int *)0x0013FF00) /* * I think this is not the best way to go but we need to * put flash routines into the sram */ char flash_write(int *data, short data_length, short pagen) __attribute__ ((section (".data"))); inline int perform_command( char command, short pagen ) __attribute__ ((section (".data"))); void efc_test() {     SETTINGS_PAGE[0] = 1; /* write sth to the beginning */     SETTINGS_PAGE[32] = 1;     SETTINGS_PAGE[64] = 1; /* write sth to the end */     flash_write(NULL, 0, SETTINGS_PAGE_NUMBER);    } /* * Flash programming */ inline int perform_command( char command, short pagen ) {     int i;         DISABLE_INTERRUPTS();             i = AT91C_BASE_MC->MC_FSR;     while( ( i & AT91C_MC_FRDY ) != AT91C_MC_FRDY )            i = AT91C_BASE_MC->MC_FSR;              AT91C_BASE_MC->MC_FCR = ( 0x5A << 24 ) | command | ( pagen << 8 );             i = AT91C_BASE_MC->MC_FSR;     while( ( i & AT91C_MC_FRDY ) != AT91C_MC_FRDY )            i = AT91C_BASE_MC->MC_FSR;             ENABLE_INTERRUPTS();         return i;        } char flash_write(int *data, short data_length, short pagen) {            int *addr_ptr = (int *)(FLASH_BASE_ADDRESS + pagen * FLASH_PAGE_SIZE);        int i;         if(data != NULL) {         for(i = 0; i < data_length; i++)             addr_ptr[i] = data[i];     }             i = perform_command( AT91C_MC_FCMD_START_PROG , pagen );             if(    ( i & AT91C_MC_LOCKE ) == AT91C_MC_LOCKE )         return 1;         if(    ( i & AT91C_MC_PROGE ) == AT91C_MC_PROGE )         return 2;         return 0;            }

Internal Flash or EFC

Thanks for your Help chaalar. I am using "__attribute__ ((section (".fast")" instead of .data. but i guess they both put flash routines into the sram. :)