Porting Problem : freeRTOS porting on PIC18F6722 (MPLAB + C18 )

Hi, I have copied the demo project for PIC18F (FreeRTOSV8.2.0) and ported to PIC18F6722. It is working fine. When we added more modules into the project, I got an error message : MPLINK 4.48, Linker Device Database Version 1.13 Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Microchip Technology Inc. Errors : 0 MP2HEX 4.48, COFF to HEX File Converter Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Microchip Technology Inc. Error – Selected hex format does not support byte addresses above 64kb; use INHX32 format! Errors : 1 But when I changed the hex format from INHX8N to INHX32, it stop working. Please suggest me what to do. I am attaching my linker script : LIBPATH . FILES c018i.o FILES clib.lib FILES p18f6722.lib CODEPAGE NAME=vectors START=0x0 END=0x39 PROTECTED CODEPAGE NAME=page START=0x3A END=0x1FFFF CODEPAGE NAME=idlocs START=0x200000 END=0x200007 PROTECTED CODEPAGE NAME=config START=0x300000 END=0x30000D PROTECTED CODEPAGE NAME=devid START=0x3FFFFE END=0x3FFFFF PROTECTED CODEPAGE NAME=eedata START=0xF00000 END=0xF003FF PROTECTED ACCESSBANK NAME=accessram START=0x0 END=0x5F DATABANK NAME=gpr0 START=0x60 END=0xFF DATABANK NAME=gpr1 START=0x100 END=0x1FF DATABANK NAME=gpr2 START=0x200 END=0x2FF DATABANK NAME=gpr3 START=0x300 END=0x3FF DATABANK NAME=gpr4 START=0x400 END=0x4FF DATABANK NAME=gpr5 START=0x500 END=0x5FF DATABANK NAME=gpr6 START=0x600 END=0x6FF DATABANK NAME=gpr7 START=0x700 END=0x7FF DATABANK NAME=BIG_BLOCK START=0x800 END=0xDFF DATABANK NAME=gpr8 START=0xE00 END=0xEFF DATABANK NAME=gpr9 START=0xF00 END=0xF5F ACCESSBANK NAME=accesssfr START=0xF60 END=0xFFF PROTECTED SECTION NAME=CONFIG ROM=config STACK SIZE=0x60 RAM=BIG_BLOCK Thanks, Ashutosh

Porting Problem : freeRTOS porting on PIC18F6722 (MPLAB + C18 )

I’m afraid this falls outside of FreeRTOS support. Please direct Microchip tools questions to Microchip. Regards.