DMATxDescToClear is not definied

Compiling FreeRTOS and FreeRTOS+TCP with IAR for STM32F4. I haven’t added in any of my own code yet and I’m using config files from examples provided. I get an error saying DMATxDescToClear is undefined – where should this be defined?

DMATxDescToClear is not definied

You can go either two ways: Or you define ipconfigZERO_COPY_TX_DRIVER as 1 in your FreeRTOSIPConfig.h, or you disable the #if block here in NetworkInterface.c: ~~~ -#if( ipconfigZEROCOPYTX_DRIVER != 0 ) +#if 1 /* DMATxDescToClear points to the next TX DMA descriptor that must be cleared by vClearTXBuffers(). */ static __IO ETH_DMADescTypeDef *DMATxDescToClear; #endif ~~~ Since the driver became “zero-copy”, we forgot to test it as non-zero-copy. There is a comment however, that says: ~~~ /* * Note: it is adviced to define both * * #define ipconfigZEROCOPYRXDRIVER 1 * #define ipconfigZEROCOPYTXDRIVER 1 * */ ~~~