multiple definition errors while building PIC24 based project

I am getting multiple definition errors while building a project for a PIC24 platform. The functions the compiler is erroring on is found in list.c. I can’t think why this is happening. list.h is of course protected from the ifndef LIST_H. The FreeRTOS files have not been modified. I am using version 8.2.3 rtos/list.c:80: multiple definition of _vListInitialise' build/default/production/rtos/list.o(.text+0x0):rtos/list.c:80: first defined here build/default/production/rtos/list.o(.text+0x36): In functionvListInitialiseItem’: rtos/list.c:105: multiple definition of _vListInitialiseItem' build/default/production/rtos/list.o(.text+0x36):rtos/list.c:105: first defined here build/default/production/rtos/list.o(.text+0x44): In functionvListInsertEnd’: rtos/list.c:117: multiple definition of _vListInsertEnd' build/default/production/rtos/list.o(.text+0x44):rtos/list.c:117: first defined here build/default/production/rtos/list.o(.text+0x80): In functionvListInsert’: rtos/list.c:146: multiple definition of _vListInsert' build/default/production/rtos/list.o(.text+0x80):rtos/list.c:146: first defined here build/default/production/rtos/list.o(.text+0xf2): In functionuxListRemove’: rtos/list.c:213: multiple definition of `_uxListRemove’ build/default/production/rtos/list.o(.text+0xf2):rtos/list.c:213: first defined here c:program files (x86)microchipxc16v1.23binbin..bin/elf-ld.exe: Link terminated due to previous error(s). make[2]: *** [dist/default/production/coreModule.X.production.hex] Error 255 make[1]: *** [.build-conf] Error 2 make: *** [.build-impl] Error 2

multiple definition errors while building PIC24 based project

Hi Nick, Are you sure you didn’t include the list.o module two times? Can you check the complete command that is issued for linking? I think it’s got nothing to do with the header file list.h: those are only function prototypes like this one: ~~~~ void vListInitialise( Listt * const pxList ) PRIVILEGEDFUNCTION; ~~~~ Did you define PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION somehow? Regards.