Timer does not work

Hi I’m creating a timer like this: ~~~ TimerHandlet Timer; Timer = xTimerCreate ( “Timer1second”, TIMESECONDS(1), pdTRUE, (void*)0, CallbackTimer ); ~~~ The callback function creates a message that is sent to the task that created the timer: ~~~ static void CallbackTimer ( TimerHandlet xTimer ) { IPreceiverMessaget Timer_Message;
Timer_Message.type = Timer_1second;

if ( xQueueSend ( xQueue_Callback, (void*) &Timer_Message, 0 ) != pdPASS )
    /* In case there is no space in the Queue we wait for better days */
} ~~~ In the main task a switch case is used upon receiving the message: ~~~ if ( xQueueReceive ( xQueueCallback, &CallbackMessage, portMAXDELAY ) != pdTRUE ) SPPrintfh ( “ERROR – taskIPreceiver[] – xQueueReceive failed” );
    switch ( Callback_Message.type )
        case Timer_1second:
~~~ At the moment the case statement is never hit! However it was working before… I’ve been changing some options in FreeRTOSConfig.h but I believe I put everything back to as it was, but… Any ideas about this? Would there be any option in FreeRTOSConfig.h that some how makes the timer not work? In fact this may be the one: ~~~ /* Software timer definitions. */ // Enable timer // freertos_use_timers

ifndef configUSE_TIMERS

define configUSE_TIMERS 1


~~~ But it is 1. thanks

Timer does not work

It seems I have the same problem with vTaskDelay(). In the following code: ~~~ pioset ( LED1PORT, LED1PIN ); vTaskDelay ( delay ); pioclear ( LED1PORT, LED1PIN ); ~~~ The pioclear() statement is never hit. The program crashes in the FaultHandler(). This is something that I have changed because all this code was working… Ah, bugs… 🙂

Timer does not work

I just remember that I has to include the following lines in the linker file: ~~~ SECTIONS { itcmlma = end; .codeTCM : AT ( itcmlma ) { sitcm = .; *(.codeTCM); _eitcm = .; } > itcm
.data_TCM :
    _sdtcm = .; *(.data_TCM); _edtcm = .;
} > dtcm

.DTCM_stack :
    . = ALIGN(8);
    _sdtcm_stack = .;
    . += STACK_SIZE;
    _edtcm_stack = .;
} > dtcm
} ~~~ But now the linker gives some warnings: ~~~ Invoking: GNU ARM Cross C Linker linker-script-flash.ld:199: warning: memory region itcm' not declared Finished building target: VDIU.elf linker-script-flash.ld:204: warning: memory regiondtcm’ not declared ~~~ I don’t remember why I had to declare the regions itcm and dtcm. Could this be related with the problems I’m having?

Timer does not work

The program crashes like shown in attachment

Timer does not work

If if used to work but doesn’t now can you just diff between the older working code and the newer code to see what changed, then post what the changes are? As a first comment it looks like the code ~~~ if ( xQueueSend ( xQueueCallback, (void*) &TimerMessage, 0 ) != pdPASS ) /* In case there is no space in the Queue we wait for better days */ ; ~~~ is polling the queue to wait for space to become available, but it is doing it from the timer callback. Callbacks execute in the context of the timer task and it is common for the timer task to have the highest priority in the system – if that is the case in your system then the above code would effectively lock up the system because it is waiting for another task to read from the queue while simultaneously preventing any lower priority task from executing (because it has a higher priority and is never in a state when lower priority tasks will be selected). Next – in the screen shot – it looks like the hard fault was hit before the scheduler was started even. If that is not the case then I suggest using the code here: https://www.freertos.org/Debugging-Hard-Faults-On-Cortex-M-Microcontrollers.html to figure out the location of the hard fault, then step through the code in the debugger from there to see if you can catch the cause.