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What's New in December 2021 FreeRTOS Releases

We're excited to share these latest updates:

  • FreeRTOS now includes a MCUBoot demo project that can be used as a reference for a secure bootloader for FreeRTOS-based applications. MCUBoot is a configurable secure bootloader for 32-bit microcontrollers. It can operate as the first or second stage bootloader, with support for cryptographic verification of software images.

  • Additionally, the FreeRTOS download now includes the AWS Signature Version 4 (SigV4) library and the AWS IoT Fleet Provisioning client library for IoT applications.

    SigV4 is the process to authenticate requests to AWS services by adding authentication information to HTTP requests. The SigV4 library provides an interface to generate a signature and authorization header that complies with the SigV4 signing process, and helps authenticate IoT devices that send HTTP requests to AWS services such as Amazon S3.

    The Fleet Provisioning library allows the provisioning of IoT devices using Fleet Provisioning for AWS IoT Core, a feature in which AWS IoT generates and securely delivers device certificates and private keys to your devices when they connect to AWS for the first time.

    The SigV4 and Fleet Provisioning libraries are optimized for memory usage and modularity, and have undergone code quality checks (e.g. MISRA-C compliance, Coverity static analysis). To learn more and get started, visit the SigV4 and Fleet Provisioning webpages or the GitHub repos (SigV4, Fleet Provisioning).

  • Finally, as another way of evaluating FreeRTOS before you have hardware, we added a FreeRTOS kernel demo that targets the Arm Cortex-M3 mps2-an385 QEMU model. There are pre-configured build projects for both the IAR Embedded Workbench and arm-none-eabi-gcc (GNU GCC) toolchains in the FreeRTOS download.

We're looking forward to your continued feedback. Visit the FreeRTOS forums if you have comments or requests!

About the author

Tanmoy Sen is a Senior Product Manager at Amazon Web Services where he focuses on helping customers and embedded developers connect microcontroller-based devices to the cloud.
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